This page last changed on 06.02.2011 by mark.
Pointing JBoss 5.1 to your Deployment-Directory (within Development)
In JBoss 5.1 you need to alter profile.xml. It's located in <JBoss AS Root>/server/<Your Server-Path>/conf/bootstrap. There is a Bean named BootstrapProfileFactory. This Section looks like:
<bean name="BootstrapProfileFactory" class="org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.StaticProfileFactory">
<property name="applicationURIs">
<list elementClass="">
Add an Element to applicationURIs:
<bean name="BootstrapProfileFactory" class="org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.StaticProfileFactory">
<property name="applicationURIs">
<list elementClass="">
This says JBoss to look in your specified Directory (in this Example in C:/Workspace/yourapp) for deployable Applications (Files or Folder named .jar, .war, .ear and so on)
Specifying Development Deployers
To activate Development Deployers you need to specify these in the Deployer-Metadata. It's also a XML File (war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml) located in <JBoss AS Root>/server/<Your Server-Path>/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF.
The default looks like:
<!-- WAR Structure -->
<bean name="WARStructure" class="org.jboss.web.deployers.WARStructure">
<!-- The WebMetaData to service mbean deployer -->
<bean name="WarDeployer" class="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployer">
You need to Change the two Class-Names to de.paluch.jboss.DevelopmentWARStructure and de.paluch.jboss.DevelopmentTomcatDeployer. Then it will look like this:
<!-- WAR Structure -->
<bean name="WARStructure" class="de.paluch.jboss.DevelopmentWARStructure">
<!-- The WebMetaData to service mbean deployer -->
<bean name="WarDeployer" class="de.paluch.jboss.DevelopmentTomcatDeployer">
That's all!
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